donderdag 17 januari 2013

Arjen Feed Back

Hoi Arjen,

   This example is just so you can see what happens when you start using reference.  I used a main alter in the vatican to simulate the holy oven.  I tried to quicky make it look like the relief inside the hall is carved out of a mountain, and on the right i left a big chunk open to show what hevean might look like.

This is just an example of how you could approach this.  It still has no glass blowing studio elements in it except for those little work benches on the floor,  So try and really combine those two elements.

also my composition isn't quite working so make sure yours does.

hope it helps

ref ref ref.. Use your elements from glass blowing and religious architecture


2 opmerkingen:

  1. Hey there, thanks for the example. I'll try to work some references in in Photoshop and will post my work in progress soon.

    Say... does this have to be done tonight, or will we have some more time during the seminar tomorrow?
