woensdag 16 januari 2013

WIP 2 (Arjen de Haan)

Ik ben wat aan het rommelen met de texturen en belichting. Omdat het in een berg zit, moet het achterin donker zijn. Ik vind het wel een leuk effect als de glasblazersoven dan een lichtpunt in het donker is. Ik moet alleen wel duidelijk laten zien dat dit een glasblazerij is... nog advies?

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Hoi Arjen,

    You might want to bring some more definition into your environment before you start using photo ref. Mountains never really erode into cubes unless they've been cut that way. Also I'm looking at your mood board and i don't see any of those elements coming forward in your paint.

    I would suggest really looking at some of the objects one would find in a glass blowing studio, and copying them into your environment. Then for the architecture i would look at the pictures we looked at in class of the vatican or perhaps the gothic style you seemed interested in pursuing. That way we can at least anchor the two main themes that you wanted to tackle :1) a glass blowing studio 2) heaven.

    I know it's a lot of information to take in in a few weeks but if you keep practicing you will get better.

    As one of your art doctors i prescribe 2 hours of life studies a day minimum starting immediately after this seminar, mon-fri. No less.

  2. I'm aware I'm jumping phases quickly, but self-observation demonstrates I'm rather slow and I'm just afraid I'll still be working hard when the deadline comes around. Would you advise me to continue defining things in Photoshop or in Sketchup?
